Dominica Editor's Choice

Sagicor General and Somerset Sports Club plants sustainable lessons at Kaleb John Laurent Primary School for World Environment Day

Sagicor General and Somerset Sports Club plants sustainable lessons at Kaleb John Laurent Primary School for World Environment Day

On World Environment Day members of Sagicor General Insurance Inc and the Sagicor General Somerset Sports Club visited the Kaleb John Laurent Primary School of St. Joseph to
donate gardening supplies and plants to the school.
Under the theme “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature” Sagicor committed support and donated
supplies to primary schools in all the countries in which Sagicor General provides services in the
Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, St Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago.
On Sunday evening the team met at the school’s compound along with the Acting Principal, several
students and parents for a small ceremony following which a presentation of gardening supplies and a
variety of herbs, vegetables and fruit trees was done.
President of Somerset Sports Club, Ambrose Sylvester said, “Somerset was both excited and
overwhelmed to work with Sagicor General Insurance, in the execution of such a vital project. Our
partnership on this project demonstrates the extraordinary relationship which the Sports Club enjoys
with Sagicor General Insurance over the years, where the parties remain both committed and respectful
to each other’s ideals. This activity is particularly meaningful because we are working together to do a
sustainable act for Dominica with the support of these students who represent the future of our
Melvina Newton, representing HHV Whitchurch, one of Sagicor General’s Agents in Dominica was also
present at the event on Sunday evening. She said, “Sagicor has a long history in the Caribbean, and it is
critical that the point is made continuously that the future of our planet depends on an “All In” approach
by individuals, families and institutions – whether the private sector or the public sector. Our activities
here today, serve to emphasize the point that Sagicor believes deeply that we are partners with the
countries in which we do business for a sustainable future. We are grateful for the support of the
Somerset Sports Club in bringing this project to fruition and we are so thankful for the principal, parents
and students at the Kaleb John Laurent Primary School for agreeing to be part of this.”

In addition to the provision of gardening supplies and plants, the project also included the
redevelopment of the school’s kitchen garden by the Somerset Sports Club who undertook the required
groundwork including preparation of the soil for planting, and the planting of a range of herbal
seasonings and fruit bearing trees. Herbs planted included, celery, parsley, thyme, chive, among others
but since there is a school Feeding Program at the School, vegetables such as, lettuce, cabbage, beet,
broccoli, cauliflower and tomatoes were also included. Seven fruit bearing trees comprising soursop,
sugar apple, lime and guava cherry were also planted.

PHOTO 1: Sagicor General hosts World Environment Day activities at the Kaleb Laurent Primary School

PHOTO 2: Students at the Kaleb Laurent Primary School with Acting Principal Ernest Louis, plant a fruit
tree in the school’s garden for World Environment Day

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