


On Saturday 6th February 2021, the Dominica Labour Party’s National Women’s Organization (NLWO) held its annual Women’s Conference at the Goodwill Parish Hall.  The event was held under the theme “Strengthening Labour Women for 2021 and Beyond”. While observing the restrictions in place in keeping with the COVID-19 protocols, the event was well attended by female members of Cabinet, the Executive of the NLWO and female representatives from the twenty-one (21) constituencies in Dominica.  In solidarity with the NLWO’s quest, male members of Cabinet and the Dominica Labour Party were also present.

The event included remarks from Hon. Melissa Skerrit Parliamentary Representative for the Roseau Central Constituency and Dr. the Hon. Adis King Parliamentary Representative for the St. Joseph Constituency.  Workshop presentations were made by Hon. Alix Boyd-Knights, Speaker Emerita on the topic “Keeping Labour Alive” and Mrs. Lesley-Ann Waldron Martin, Clinical Psychologist on the topic “Coping with Crisis”.  The featured address came from Dr. the Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Political Leader and Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

One of the features coming out of the conference was the adoption of two important Resolutions:  One entitled ‘RESOLUTION ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN’ and the other ‘RESOLUTION ON THE COVID19 PANDEMIC’.

Please find attached the two resolutions.

WHEREAS violence in any society is unwelcomed. Gender based violence in particular is disturbing, troublesome, worrying and has no place in any modern society.

AND WHEREAS the scourge of domestic violence continues in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

AND WHEREAS our women have to endure the unbearable pain of domestic violence, be it verbal abuse or physical harm.

We, the women of the Dominica Labour Party and by extension ALL the women of our country condemn in the strongest possible terms ALL forms of violence against our women.

We, the women of the Dominica Labour Party now call upon our Government, the church, non-government organizations (N.G.Os) and ALL other stakeholders to stand in solidarity to condemn violence against our women.

BE IT RESOLVED this 6th day of February 2021. ON ON THE 

WHEREAS the world is experiencing the devastating effects of the COVID19 pandemic on its citizens and this virus has brought devastation to the world’s economy and livelihoods.

AND WHEREAS the Caribbean region continues to feel the brunt of the COVID19 pandemic.

AND WHEREAS our region is working closely to minimize the effects of the virus.

AND WHEREAS our country, the Commonwealth of Dominica, is also affected and continues to be impacted by COVID19.

AND WHEREAS our Government’s vigilance and hard work has limited the impact that COVID19 could have had on our population and economy.

The Labour Women’s Organization commends the Dominica Labour Party led Government and the Ministry of Health in their fight against COVID19. The Labour Women’s Organization further encourages the Government to continue with its work in fighting the pandemic and calls upon ALL Dominicans to follow our Government’s directions and instructions.

BE IT RESOLVED this 6th day of February 2021.

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