
Founder of Dominica Dementia Foundation participates in AAC Dementia Conference

Founder of Dominica Dementia Foundation participates in AAC Dementia Conference

Dementia in Central America and the Caribbean is the region in the world with the highest and most accelerated increase of persons with dementia! From November 23-27, 2020 Alzheimer’s Associations of the Caribbean (AAC) will be organizing a virtual conference under the theme: “Caribbean responses to challenges living with dementia during and after COVID 19.” The Conference is an opportunity for us to meet and to reflect on the current challenges we face with people living with dementia in our region during these times of the Corona pandemic.

Most of the information about living with dementia in times of the Corona pandemic which we receive is written by scientific or medical professionals or caregivers of persons with dementia who are not from the Caribbean. What are our scientific and medical professionals, our professional and family caregivers and especially our persons with dementia experiencing, thinking and recommending? Caribbean experiences, ideas and suggestions to deal with persons with Alzheimer’s and other dementias during times of a pandemic will be shared in this 100% virtual conference.

The nine (9) presenters for the Caribbean will be: geriatrician Dr Kristine Luckham (Surinam), professional dementia caregiver Regina Posvar LPN/RNA (St Lucia), community nutritionist Andrea Griffith MSc (Barbados), medical sociologist former UWI lecturer Dr Joan Rawlins (St Kitts/Nevis), Mental Health Policy Advisor Herman Jintie MSc (Surinam), Psychologist Rianna Patterson BSc Hons (Dominica), President of the Barbados Alzheimer Association Pamelia Brereton, PAHO/WHO NCD/Mental Health Advisor Dr Taraleen Malcolm (Trinidad & Tobago), co-coordinator of the Steering Committee of Alzheimer’s Associations of the Caribbean drs Raymond Jessurun (St Maarten).

The virtual conference format was chosen because in this time of the pandemic travelling to international conferences is very difficult. Therefore, the coordinators of the Multidisciplinary Confederation of Alzheimer’s organizations of Central America and the Caribbean and of Alzheimer’s Associations of the Caribbean, Dr Norbel Roma and drs Raymond Jessurun organized this regional conference, with sponsoring and logistical support of the largest private university in Costa Rica, the Universidad Latina, which University will host the virtual conference.

Persons interested to participate in the virtual regional conference can pre-register with their national Alzheimer’s organization. Contact your national Alzheimer’s organization for more details and for the registration fee payment details. Upon receiving your registration fee you will be provided a link to participate in the conference which will be 24 hours available from November 23 to 27, 2020.  All registration fees received by your national Alzheimer’s organization will be a donation towards the work of your national Alzheimer’s organization to advance attention for dementia in our region.

Contact details: [email protected]

About Author

Emerline Anselm

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