Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 87 year old Paulina Darroux also known as Popo, Silim, Sere and Ma Rondall of Petite Savanne who resided at Bellevue Chopin

Death Announcement of 87 year old Paulina Darroux also known as Popo, Silim, Sere and Ma Rondall of Petite Savanne who resided at Bellevue Chopin

We announce the death of 87 year old Paulina Darroux better known as Popo, Silim and Sere and Ma Rondall of Petite Savanne who resided in Bellevue Chopin .she died on September 25th 2021.

We announce the death of 87 year old Paulina Darroux better known as Popo, Silim and Sere and Ma Rondall of Petite Savanne who resided in Bellevue Chopin .she died on September 25th 2021.

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she was preceded in death by her son Jesse Darroux

She lives to mourn 9 children: Joseph Romuald and Mattheus in Dominica, Wayne in the USA and Alfred Destouche in Antigua.4 daughters, Ann and Joanaline in Aruba and Maria Darroux and Wynant Destouche in Dominica.

12 grandchildren: Nathan, Jermel, Neil, Rundell and Gianni. Kymora, destiny, Fenella, Ancy Malika and Kianda.

7 great grand children

1 son in law: Sanny Binns

3 daughter’s in law: Philomen, and Madonise,and linda in the USA.

1 grand son in law: Brad Francis

1 step daughter :Agatha Moise

7 nieces :Avonelle, Modestine, Anelta, Estelle, Lucy  Jonia, and Catherine

4 nephews: Lawrence, Ronald, Matthew and Eric

Most special adopted son and nephew: Justinian Abay Destouche

Caregiver: Wynant Destouche.

close friends and neighbors: Nurse Moise & family, Athena, zig, Mary Fontaine, Jessica, Ezar, Marie-terres Junkere Proprietor of Pharcs Nursing Home Cresent, Hailsy Stoute, Brian Talbert, Favia Rolle and family Hon Dr. Kenneth Darroux, Elder Corriette, Bernice, Starette, Toukoufee, Ken, Helena ,Joan Joseph and family and others too numerous to mention. 

The body of the late Paulina Darroux  will be transported from Gentle Rest Funeral Home on Saturday 2nd October 2021, at 10am at the Petite Savanne Cemetery Grounds and interment will follow at the Petite Savanne Cemetery..

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Death Announcement of 87 year old Paulina Darroux also known as Popo, Silim, Sere and Ma Rondall of Petite Savanne who resided at Bellevue Chopin is now live.

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she was preceded in death by her son Jesse Darroux

She lives to mourn 9 children: Joseph Romuald and Mattheus in Dominica, Wayne in the USA and Alfred Destouche in Antigua.4 daughters, Ann and Joanaline in Aruba and Maria Darroux and Wynant Destouche in Dominica.

12 grandchildren: Nathan, Jermel, Neil, Rundell and Gianni. Kymora, destiny, Fenella, Ancy Malika and Kianda.

7 great grand children

1 son in law: Sanny Binns

3 daughter’s in law: Philomen, and Madonise,and linda in the USA.

1 grand son in law: Brad Francis

1 step daughter :Agatha Moise

7 nieces :Avonelle, Modestine, Anelta, Estelle, Lucy  Jonia, and Catherine

4 nephews: Lawrence, Ronald, Matthew and Eric

Most special adopted son and nephew: Justinian Abay Destouche

Caregiver: Wynant Destouche.

close friends and neighbors: Nurse Moise & family, Athena, zig, Mary Fontaine, Jessica, Ezar, Marie-terres Junkere Proprietor of Pharcs Nursing Home Cresent, Hailsy Stoute, Brian Talbert, Favia Rolle and family Hon Dr. Kenneth Darroux, Elder Corriette, Bernice, Starette, Toukoufee, Ken, Helena ,Joan Joseph and family and others too numerous to mention. 

The body of the late Paulina Darroux  will be transported from Gentle Rest Funeral Home on Saturday 2nd October 2021, at 10am at the Petite Savanne Cemetery Grounds and interment will follow at the Petite Savanne Cemetery..

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