We announce the death of Kelvin Thomas, better known as kitten or Moyour of Wesley age 48 years he resided in Roseau. He died on the 10th of January 2023 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.
He is survived by:
Father: Bedford Codelle Thomas Known as Gaza
Mother: Tessa Alexander
Grandmother: Gracie Africa
1 son: Kell Thomas, who lives in France
5 brothers: Jonhphin and Cleve Wilson, Quincy Hinds, Kern Samuel and Chante’ Shannon
1 sister : Patrice Shannon
1 sister-in-law : Sheila Thomas-Hinds
7 nephews including Quante’ Hinds
3 nieces
5 uncles including Thomas Coipel a retired police officer and Elias Thomas
12 aunts including Ethel, Vyna and Hilda Thomas, Jennifer Carbon and Ruthinia Andrew
49 cousins including Lennie, Mandella, Cindy, Clem, Oril, Shadira, kerney, Wendy and Naiso
Many close relatives including: Mena, Beni, Tilda and Cap Ducreay, Ivona Williams, Aunty Jane, Paula and many others including family of pine square, Wesley both here and abroad.
Close friends, Pamela, Roseanna, Esther, Paul, Roslyn, Gibons, vendors at the Roseau market, the Wednesday walkers, boys on the streets of Roseau, and the communities of Wesley and WoodfordHill
The funeral service for the late Kelvin Thomas will be held on Thursday 26th January at the Wesley Methodist church, viewing at 1pm funeral service at 2pm. Interment will be at the church grave yard.