Volunteers and staff of the Dominica Red Cross are joining their counterparts around the world in the observance of World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day today.
In 2019, National Societies around the world are also celebrating 100 years of the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC), which was founded by the Red Cross societies of France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States of America. IFRC – originally known as the League of Red Cross Societies, was created to preserve, share and promote the expertise and knowledge gained during humanitarian responses to the First World War and the Spanish Flu epidemic. A century later, the IFRC network has 190 National Societies, with even more information.
Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers are as diverse as the life-saving and life-changing services they provide through the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: 190 National Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
President of the Dominica Red Cross Society Reginald Winston is proud of the work being done by those who give of their time and effort to helping others beyond the day set aside for the observance. “Our volunteers and staff are hard at work every day, but May 8th is a time to celebrate the difference they make and the lives they change in communities large and small, responding to crises of all kinds, and helping people to live safer, more dignified lives.”
The Dominica Red Cross has been serving the people of Dominica since 1958 as an arm of the British Red Cross. The volunteers and staff are available to help the public; and reaches out to people every year with a diverse range of services tailored to the needs of communities across Dominica. From First Aid to Disaster Risk Management programmes, the DRCS helps people to prepare for, cope with, and recover from disaster or crisis through the tireless efforts of volunteers.
Director General, Mrs. Sandra Charter-Rolle states that the Dominica Red Cross caters for every member of society requiring assistance in times of disaster or other critical need. “We are everywhere for everyone. This is our commitment to you, and our commitment to humanity,” she noted.
The Dominica Red Cross commemorates World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day with an open house and exhibition at its National Headquarters on Federation Drive, Goodwill from 9 a.m. and extends an invitation to the general public.