The Social Welfare Division of the Ministry of youth Development and Empowerment, youth at Risk, Gender Affairs, Seniors’ Security and Dominicans with Disabilities, embarked on its annual gift distribution to foster children and vulnerable children in Dominica.
Nicole Toussaint Jno. Baptiste, Coordinator of the Child Protection Unit said, “This activity was done so as to bring joy and cheer during the Christmas season to our vulnerable children. The children came to collect their gifts which brought smiles to their faces. The foster parents were also given small tokens of appreciation”.
Jno.Baptiste said that while a Christmas party is held each year for the children, the Division decided to forego the party this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety protocols which need to be established. However, it was necessary to do something for the children and their foster parents, hence the gift distribution activity.
Jno. Baptiste added, “These children may be going through difficult situations and should not be forgotten”.
She expressed thanks to the sponsors, Joseph Family Foundation, J.Astaphan & co. Ltd, H.H.V Whitchutch, Starring & Sons, and Jireh Animal Health center and sends an appeal to all sectors of society to come on board with the ministry to assist the vulnerable families who are assisted by the Social Welfare Division.
She explained, “We are in constant need of grocery items and other items to assist these families. While the ministry is assisting, there is a need for further collaboration from private and public sectors”.