On 19 March 2022, Wai-tu-fit 360 debuted as a membership-based organisation that focuses on health and wellness. Their goal is to combat non-communicable diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes, which have been taking a toll on communities in Dominica. The club and its members aim to promote positive body image and healthy lifestyles through dance. On May 7, Waitufit 360 Sports & Leisure Club of Dominica invites the public, organisations, and health and sports enthusiasts to join them in their second annual sports day event. Competing teams will be in the running for the 2023 Sports Day Champion title by participating in traditional sports such as lime & spoon, needle & thread, sack race, tug of war, shave the balloon, hopscotch, and double dutch. The event aims to promote fitness, health, and wellbeing among the club’s members and the community, while advocating for health-conscious living and making health-focused lifestyle changes. For further information and to register your team, family, or organisation, please contact Kimara Matthew at (767)317-7171.