The National Joint Action Movement (NJAM) is very concerned about the increasing deterioration of law and order in the Commonwealth of Dominica and appeals to all Dominicans to come forward to assist in stopping the carnage that is pervading the Nation.
The frightening number of murders, gun violence, child molestation, increasing anger within the
population and the unfortunate disappearance of little Kernisha Etienne is sufficient reason for
the population to step forward and confront the situation Head on in a united approach.
The Commonwealth of Dominica needs a time for Soul Searching and Reflection to arrest this scourge that is destroying the basic fabric of our society.
In this regard NJAM is calling on the government of Dominica to join forces with the rest of the population to declare the month of August a “Time for Soul Searching and Reflection” to build
public awareness against murder, gun violence, child molestation and all other criminal acts.
As we commemorate the 184th anniversary of the abolition of slavery and the 43rd anniversary of Hurricane David during the month of August, NJAM considers it a fitting opportunity to focus on the prevailing ills that are equally destructive to our beloved nation.
NJAM therefore calls on the police service, the churches, private sector, youth organizations, political parties, and the rest of the nation, to join it throughout the month of August with a series of activities to address the prevailing situation.
NJAM encourages respectful engagement with potential perpetrators and victims of crime, to pursue the cause and possible prevention, but, most importantly, to stop the carnage that the Commonwealth of Dominica is experiencing.
On Monday August 1st Emancipation Day, NJAM will host a virtual discussion to start the month of activities which will culminate on Sunday 28th August with a Solemnity Time for Soul Searching and Reflection Rally at the New Town Savanna. Let’s unite to save our nation and stop the blood spilling and other social ills. Dominica deserves better our children deserve a violent Free nation. Joint Action is necessary
NOW more than ever.