Dominica Caribbean Editor's Choice

Regional bank donates to Dominica’s vaccination efforts

Regional bank donates to Dominica’s vaccination efforts

As the entire world continues its fight against COVID-19, CIBC FirstCaribbean continues to give its support to the Ministry of Health and by extension the Government of Dominica.

Through its charitable arm, FirstCaribbean International ComTrust Foundation, a donation was recently presented to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Mrs. Letitia Lestrade Wyke by Country Head Stephen Lander toward the island’s vaccination programme.

Mr Lander noted the challenges COVID 19 has had and continues to have globally.  “When the saga started none of us anticipated the length of time we would be dealing with it. From a corporate social responsibility stand point, CIBC FirstCaribbean has always been ‘how can we help?’ Along the way at every stage of the fight we want to do something to assist, so now we’re into a new chapter and the important thing now is to get our population vaccinated so we can get to herd immunity,” Mr. Lander said.   

Mrs. Wyke also commended the bank for providing assistance from the initial stage of the Ministry’s fight against COVID-19. “These donations show that the work the Ministry is doing is appreciated by groups and members of the community,” she noted.

She further urged all Dominicans to get vaccinated explaining that the vaccines will be administered at no cost to individuals.

            Caption: Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Letitia Lestrade Wyke with Country Head Stephen Lander.

About CIBC FirstCaribbean

CIBC FirstCaribbean is a relationship bank offering a full range of market leading financial services through our Corporate and Investment Banking, Retail and Business Banking and Wealth Management segments. We are located in sixteen (16) countries around the Caribbean, providing the banking services through approximately 2,900 employees in 64 branches and offices. We are one of the largest regionally listed financial services institutions in the English and Dutch speaking Caribbean, with US$12 billion in assets and market capitalization of US$2 billion. We also have a representative office in Hong Kong providing business development, relationship management and fund administration.

CIBC FirstCaribbean is a member of the CIBC Group. CIBC is a leading Canadian-based global financial institution with 11 million personal banking and business clients. Through our three major business units – Retail and Business Banking, Wealth Management and Capital Markets – CIBC offers a full range of products and services through its comprehensive electronic banking network, branches and offices across Canada with offices in the United States and around the world.

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