Village councils in the communities of Tete Morne, Grand Bay and Bagatelle were the recipients of various items and equipment to support their disaster committees’ ability to prepare for and respond to future emergencies. Items donated were chosen based on a community’s needs assessment that was conducted in those areas. These items include generators, a water tank, pickaxes, shovels, chainsaws, water storage containers, and solar lights among other items.
This donation is just one activity that falls under the Dynamic Resilient Communities project currently being implemented by IsraAID in these respective communities. The Dynamic Resilient Communities project aims to enhance the capacity of vulnerable communities of Dominica to prepare, respond and cope with emergencies. As part of this project, village council members, disaster committee members, as well as community focal persons have received training and workshops on various topics related to disaster risk reduction. Sessions held so far have been First Aid & CPR certification, Basic Land Search & Rescue and Self Care & Psychological First Aid.
IsraAID Senior Programme Officer, Mrs. Wynela Francis commented:
“After talking with community leaders, we were able to assess the communities’ needs and source items that could complement the resources that are currently available to the disaster committees and shelters. Paired with the training sessions that we are currently hosting, we hope that in the event of a disaster, the communities will be better able to respond, cope and bounce back.”
District Development Assistant for the South District, Mrs. Esther Daniel remarked:
“Firstly the Department of Local Government and Community Development thanks and appreciates the collaboration and partnership with IsraAID and the support that they have been providing to the three communities in the South mainly Tete Morne, Bagatelle and Grand Bay. We are very thankful for the assistance given especially with the training and disaster supplies provided to the Council and disaster committees within those communities. We believe that it was very timely and the people and groups
are more prepared which boosts their confidence, gives them a greater sense of readiness and has increased their willingness to serve in those capacities once more. This also ensured that the groups are now better able to respond in the event of a disaster hence, enabling them to provide better care for their communities and residence.”
Ms. Cybil Guiste, Bagatelle Disaster Committee President and acting chairperson of the village council conveyed her appreciation:
“The items received from IsraAID are greatly appreciated. These items will help improve on how we as a community respond to emergency events. The filters are very much needed since our water systems are often badly affected. We are very easily cut from other communities by fallen trees and landslides with no power and no means of communication. These items will ensure that as a team we’re able to better help our people in their recovery.”
Clerk at the Tete Morne Village Council, Ms Mishuel JnoLewis expressed her gratitude saying:
“We at the Tete Morne village council are extremely grateful for the contribution which will enable effective response in the community disaster, accidents and mishaps. Being able to quickly and effectively respond to any emergency within the community can be the difference between life and death”
Ms. Cleo Leatham, Grand Bay Disaster Committee member remarked:
“On behalf of the Grand Bay Disaster Committee I would like to thank Israaid for the items donated to the Grand Bay Disaster Committee. We are so happy to have received the solar panel which will help when there is no electricity, so shelterees can feel safe. Also, the water filters and the bucket ensure that even during or after a storm shelterees will be served with good and clean drinking water. The tools will come very handy in clearing drains and culverts after a storm.”
IsraAID launched its initial Humanitarian Mission to Dominica following Hurricane Maria in September 2017. IsraAID Dominica, which celebrated its fifth anniversary last year, has worked in the areas of disaster preparedness, education, livelihood, and more in communities across the country. IsraAID’s remains committed to supporting Dominica’s effort to become the first climate resilient nation.