The Dominica Library and Information Service (DLIS) will observe Library Week 2023 from May 8 to 14 under the theme, Libraries: Connect Generations.’
The week will commence with an address on the national radio station by the Hon. Minister for Education to declare the week open followed by an opening ceremony on Monday May 08 at 10:00 a.m. at the Portsmouth Library and thereafter with staff empowerment and appreciation sessions to culminate the day’s activities.
Throughout the week, various DLIS Centers across the island will feature activities to include literacy and orientation sessions, tea tasting, poetry and spelling bee competitions, in-house and virtual exhibitions, an Info-Splosian activity with special focus on protecting the environment and climax with a library fun day at the Portsmouth Library on Saturday May13, 2023.
This year’s AMNESTY period for patrons late and overdue items will run for the entire month of May at all libraries – Roseau, Portsmouth, Grand Bay and Marigot, and members should capitalize on this opportunity.
The week will be used to celebrate the contributions of libraries and information centers, librarians and library workers and promote library use, programmes and activities. As we celebrate, we encourage all to visit.