The Diocese of Roseau will from June 18th to 24 observe Family Week. The activities for the week will be at both parish and diocesan level.
The week begins on Sunday 18th June , Fathers Day with Eucharistic Celebration in all churches and chapels . The occasion will be used to highlight the role of fathers in the family as the domestic church as well as to recognize the effort of men in stabilizing the family unit and encourage men to be more directly involved in the life of their family and the life of the church.
As part of the week different days will be designated for Family Prayer , Appreciation, Fun and Service to community.
A main highlight for the week will be a Diocesan Symposium on Saturday 24th June at the Goodwill Parish Hall. The event will draw participants from all parishes , representing the varied family types ( married couples, singles, single parents, widowed, common law couples, divorced/separated and youth).The event will feature a panel discussion on the topic “How is the Church responding to the current issues affecting family life”. This will be followed with small group discussion, where the participants will look at ways in which he church can be more effective in its ministry to all family types . There will also be a presentation on the recent suite of Family laws, passed in Dominica Parliament. An understanding of the family legislative environment is also critical to ministering to families.
Brief remarks from Monsigneur William Jno , Lewis, Delegate of the Diocesan Administrator, Bishop Robert Llanos, Head of the Family Life Commission of the Antillies Episcopal Conference and Tricia Symmes, Coordinator of the Antillies Episcopal Conference will also form part of the programme.
Among its many objective the symposium will:
- Inform the Family Units on new Family Legislation recently passed in the Dominica Parliament and explore implications for family life programmes of the Diocese ( Status of Children , Children (Care and Adoption) , Domestic Violence , Maintenance of Children , Maintenance of Spouses and Parents,)
- Provide deeper insight into issues affecting families in the Diocese from varied family types
- Revisit the major family issues highlighted in the Diocesan phase of the 2021/24 Synod
- Offer guidelines to the commission to help develop programmes that will be more relevant to the needs of the different family groups throughout the various parishes in our Diocese
The Family Life Commission in the Diocese of Roseau was established to improve the quality of family life by deepening awareness on teachings of the church on family issues . This it seeks to do by disseminating information on the teachings of the church on issues of family life and strengthening support programmes for family life.
Currently the Commission is working with parishes in strengthening Family Life Units which will organize and implement family life progarmmes and serve as support group for families.
Family life has been identified as a key priority for the Diocese of Roseau as it seeks to make the home the domestic church , a safer place for our children and other family members where love ,joy and care abound .