Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 91 year old Sybil Agnes Faustin also known as Ma Faus, Bebil and Ma Albort of Layou who resided at Bath Estate

Death Announcement of 91 year old Sybil Agnes Faustin also known as Ma Faus, Bebil and Ma Albort of Layou who resided at Bath Estate

It is with sadness that we announce the death of 91-year-old Sybil Agnes Faustin affectionately known as Ma Faus, Bebil and Ma Albort of Layou who resided at Bath Estate

She died on Tuesday 12th April 2022 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital

She is survived by:

Nine (9) Children

Philbert Alleyne, Anthony Jno. Baptiste, Cecelia Eloi, Merlyn Theophille, Edwin, Ophelia, Patricia, Fitzroy and Albert Faustin

Two (2) Stepchildren

Joffre Faustin and Dagma Charles

Thirty (30) Grand Children

Sherman, Lillian, Pheona, Raisa, Jervez, Gabriel, Rashida, Sara-Lee, Nasha, Elisha, Merissa, Jair, Jedidiah, Misha-el, Didier, Kiah, Joycelyn, Delroy, Ezra, Kishma, Leshna, Shanice, Josh, Neah, Shem, Akira, Kalunda, Kedela, Camisha, Chrissia

Twenty-four(24) Great Grand Children

Sherniah, Jayden, Zayah, Euan, Josiah, Skii, Jeanmarie, Odin, Akeema, Orian, Kaylum, Nali, Dervon, Taj, Diamond, Gendayie, Arjhet, Teajuanne, Kyel, K’Shard, Serquanna, Verlyn, Greg, Tyce

One (1) Great-Great Grand Child



Olden and Dorson


Ursula Alleyne, Angela, Valda and Nichol Faustin


Donald Anthony


Ferdinand Anthony and Edris James

Nieces and Nephews including Evelyn, Chrissia, Delory, Ingrid, Wendy, Elvis

Other Relatives and Close Friends including Evelyn Edwards, Ma Sava, Ma Gallion, Sister Lousia Luke, Miss Lockhart, Zaza, Miss John, Marvella, Sister Rose, Kerina, Eileen Robinson, Patricia and Ralph Blaize, David & Geraldine Vital, Vernie Dennis, Mislyn, Claude Bourre, Anthony Casimir, Merle George, Natasha Charles, Jathan, Davidson George, Floyd Issa, Ma Cynthia, Ma Agnes, the Fredericks, Hilma, Doreen, Ma Jemma, Ma Franko, Ma Ruth

Pastor and Mrs. Chad Prince and Members of the Goodwill Gospel Mission Assembly, Pastor Peterson Benjamin and the Members of the Pointe Michel Abundant Life and Fellowship Deliverance Ministries and the Gospel Mission Assemblies of Dominica

Management and Staff of J. Astaphans & Co. Ltd., the community of Bath Estate, Dr. Sabroach, Dr. Newtown, Dr. Letang

Other family, relatives, and friends too numerous to mention

The Celebration Service of the late Sybil Agnes Faustin affectionately known as Ma Faus, Bebil and Ma Albort will take place on Tuesday 26th April at the Truth and Grace Fellowship Global

Viewing will be at 2 p.m. Funeral Service will commence at 2:30 p.m. followed by Internment at the Roseau Public Cemetery

Funeral arrangements entrusted to North-Eastern Funeral Association

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