We announce the death of Massilia Fontaine better known as Ma Skeff of Bagatelle. Died 5th November 2022. Age 88.
Children: Judith Joseph, Rosy, Frances, Errol, Margaret, Allington, Carlton Fontaine and Mayee Hughes.
Adopted Son: Andy Deshalto.
Grand Children: Marvin, Jasmain, Pearl, Sherita, Liston, Hozaya, Lolita, Troya, Tony, Anderson, Daniella, Tamara, Sharmanie, Bradley, Angel, Elka, Makima, Alma, Ajalon, Alejandro, Barry, Brad, Jeno, Sandrine and Brayan.
28 Great Grand Children.
Sisters: Massline and Mena
Sisters in Law :Nella, Jane, and Clayron
Son in law: Richard Hughes
Neices and Nephews: Ellen, Gregory, Joyette,
Alex, Jane, Brian, Emile, Johnny, Roy, Marcella, Philson, Carvis and Jane.
Godsons: Ciddo & Arnold
Close Friend and cousin: Juliana Scotland (Ma Sallo).
She will also be remembered by the Defoe, Fontaine and Francis family of Bagatelle & Fond St. Jean.
The Scotland, Bannis & Lockhart family of Castle Bruce.
The Grand Bay Health team
Hon: Kenneth Darroux
Numerous Family and Friends
Service: Monday, November 28th, 2022
Viewing: 2:30 pm
Service: 3:00 pm at Grandbay