Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 83 years old Nellie Winston better known as Ma Joe of Anse De Mai

Death Announcement of 83 years old Nellie Winston better known as Ma Joe of Anse De Mai

We announce the death of 83 years old Nellie Winston of anse de mai better known as Ma Joe who died at her residence.

Brother: Lawerence Abraham

Sisters: Clarina Jacob in Antigua, Millie Isaac in the United Kingdom, Leoncia Bontiff Pharaoh and Netilia Julien.

Aunty: Englandnie

Daughters: Bernadette Ettienne and Dillian Gordon

Sons: Mark, Frederick and Peter Winston

Sister in law: Doreen Abraham

Daughters in law: Janice and Rosemary Winston

Son in law: Elroy Gordon

Grand children: Fitzgerald, Lisa, Fitzroy, Tardeau, Tardius, Frederick jr, Kardiff, Lornica, Junoir, Serina, Shanice, Mellisa ,Devonte, Shea and Darren

Great grandchildren: Amelia, Autum, Jehlani, Jahbari and Briell

Nephews including: McIntyre, Desmond, Steven, Faustin, Lawrence, Phillip, Glenroy, Felix, Matthew,George and John

Nieces including: Clara, Nadia, Clavia, Jaustiphia, Sherly, Naomie, Helen, Mellisa, Martha, Rose, Maria, Racheal, Justina and Madonna

Godchildren: Allicia and Steve

Cousins including: Cheryl, Gretta, Embert, Bernard, Janette, Eileen, Kendell Charles

Other relatives and friends including: PM Roosevelt Skerrit, Hon Rosyln Paul, Ambassador Matthew Walter and Martin Charles, Pholomen, Alford, EC boy, Pierre, Adora, Judith, Prince, Chad, Jonah, Joseph Prince, Partick and Nasha.

Caretaker: Natasha

Many other relative and friends including the community of Bense, Anse de mai, Abrahams in Wesley, Artherly Winston and Raymond and family.

Place of service: Anse de Mai Catholic Church 
Viewing: 2:30pm
Service: 3 pm 
Burial: la croix cemetery

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