Dominica Editor's Choice



The Project Implementation Unit (PIU), of the Dominica Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project (DEALCRP), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, World Bank funded project has concluded it’s first in a series of Expressions of Interest Sensitization Meetings.

Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) is that the beneficiaries must express interest in the project. The objective of the call is to invite the submission of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from eligible parties, to determine the main type of support intervention they would qualify for: whether as a small, medium-size or large farmer and whether as a fisher, livestock or crop producer and provide key inputs, tools, and productive assets.

The focus was on crop farmers sensitizing them of the eligibility for participating in the project, the application process and its support package benefits. Approximately, nineteen meetings were held in the various agricultural regions, over a period of five weeks with a total of over one thousand eight hundred farmers in attendance including four hundred and twenty seven female farmers.

“The meetings were very interactive. We got a number of suggestions from farmers in making the process a bit simpler, says the Project Implementation Unit Manager, Kervin Stephenson.” The meetings brought out some initiatives, looking at farmers groups and school farming programs, having a package for these groups and factors which can affect the project in regards to market access and farm roads “.

Project is designed to help farmers and fisherfolk affected by Hurricane Maria restore their agriculture and fishing livelihoods, and adopt climate resilient practices.

Support for crop farmers is through the provision of an essential package of inputs (mainly improved quality seeds and fertilizers), tools, and materials for the replanting or restoration of crops and technical advisory services and training.

‘It is an extremely good proramme of the World Bank and Agriculture. It is very helpful for the farmers. Even if we are not getting cash in hand, as a farmer you are supposed to embrace what is given — equipment, tools and more”. Stated farmer Simon Alie from San Sauveur “This will help in working in the interest of developing yourself, your family and the country. World Bank is not giving cash this time around.” he continues.

“At the meeting, I understood all what we have to do to participate in the project. It was clear”, says another farmer.

The project is targeting 3,700 crop farmers, 140 livestock farmer, 85 fishers, 5 boat builders and 3 canoe builders.

The project has three main components:

  1. Restoration of the Productive Base for the Recovery of Agricultural Livelihoods
  2. Restoration of Key Productive Infrastructure and Institutional, Livestock and Forestry.
  3. Project Management and Coordination

Meetings for the Expressions of Interest (EOI) Sensitization will continue for fisherfolk, boat and canoe builder and livestock farmers

Following the devastations of Hurricane Maria in September 2017, the Government of Dominica received financial support from the World Bank to the tune of US$25.0 million equivalent to EC$65 million dollars for the implementation of the “Dominica Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project (DEALCRP), a five-year period intervention.

Update: The two IDs are no longer needed. It is just one. (Produce Sellers license, passport, driver’s license or social security).
The JP /notary public verification is also no longer needed. Only the Extension Officer are to verify.

Project Benefit Brochure

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