Dominica Editor's Choice

DAIC Builds the Resilience of Businesses to Climate Change

DAIC Builds the Resilience of Businesses to Climate Change

The Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC) advances its commitment to build the resilience of its Members and the local private sector to Climate Change. The Caribbean private sector, mostly composed of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), is particularly vulnerable to climate disaster risks. In the experience of Dominica, it has been evident that the country is extremely vulnerable and the role of the private sector is vital to Dominica’s ability to reduce its risk and recover from disasters. This raises the importance of business continuity in building the resilience of the private sector. 

High on the agenda of DAIC is to build resilience capacity. As such, DAIC is collaborating with the Chambers of Commerce in St. Lucia and Martinique to enhance resilience through the transfer of knowledge and skills via an education, training and awareness raising platform as part of the project, Building Resilience of the Caribbean Private Sector. Further to the Climate Change Awareness Workshop held in November 2021, DAIC will host a second workshop on February 15th and 17th, 2022 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM to support businesses in the practical completion of their Business Continuity Plans.

Executive Director, Lizra Fabien shared, “We have added a unique dimension to this second workshop which includes: two complementary company visits – before and after the training, table top scenarios with real examples supported by the Office of Disaster Management to test the business continuity plans, and an easy to use business continuity guide and template.” 

Fabien added, “Business Continuity Plans can be simply developed for all businesses, specifically MSMEs. DAIC looks forward to working closely with our businesses to enhance their capacity to build resilience and ensure sustainability of their businesses as the risks of climate change and the risks of disaster increase.”

The Project “Building Resilience of the Caribbean Private Sector is [co] funded by Karayib Klima, a Unite Caribbean project funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, ADEME and Fondation de France”. 

DAIC encourages businesses to contact the Chamber for support needed in the development and enhancement of their BCPs in building resilience. For additional information, contact the DAIC at [email protected] or 1(767)449-1962/235-1962. 

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