Bram Sanderson, of Wesley, will represent Dominica in the K1 Sprint 200m Kayak.Presently, Bram is in Cyprus training for 25 days, with coach Michalis Kyriacou who is a kayaking coach of the Limassol Nautical Club.
Sanderson is preparing for the Panamanian Championship Olympic qualifier in Brazil from the 5th to 10th of may 2020.
Sanderson expresses thanks to the Association of Dominicans in the Northeast USA (ADNEXUS) and the Northeast USA Wesley Chapter (NEUSAWC) for sponsoring the training camp. Both organizations are NGOs based in New Jersey, USA. He also, thanks the Hospitality Group in Dominica, his uncle Quammie Sanderson and every individual who contributed to his Gofund me page.
When asked what’s next for him, Sanderson said, “Once I complete this training camp in Cyprus, I have another 21 days of training in Columbia from the 10th of April, confirmed by the Dominica Kayaking Federation and will be funded by the Dominica Olympic Committee. I am truly thankful to the committee for bestowing such opportunities to continue to represent our country internationally at the highest level . To God be the Glory.”
Congratulations to Bram Sanderson, a triple event athlete who continues to push forward to achieve his dreams. He is truly a motivation to others.