Dominica Editor's Choice

Activities to mark Paix Bouche/Dos D’Ane Awareness Month is moving as planned.

Activities to mark Paix Bouche/Dos D’Ane Awareness Month is moving as planned.

Activities to mark Paix Bouche/Dos D’Ane Awareness Month is moving as planned.

The emphasis put on this week is on the observance of world Rivers Day which will be observed on Saturday September 23.

Volunteers from the both communities and with help for the NEP has joined efforts in cleaning the Dos Dane river and De Rieverre.


On Wednesday The council will have the support of construction workers and additional volunteers in assisting with the enhancing the Devierre River thus making it more convenient to all to enjoy river bathing and to picnic on any day. Also an attraction to passersby’s as this river lies on the route between Paix Bouche and Blenheim

On Saturday World Rivers Day the Entire Communities will assemble at the De Rievierre to celebrate the achievement and to show more appreciation to the importance of rivers and clean water. The Council Chairman and other Community Representative will deliver few remarks as others plunge into the big Basen’

On Sunday 24th the Communities will attend the Eucharistic Celebration at the Paix Bouche Catholic Chapel of St Matthew to observe the Feast Day.

The Council in collaboration with the St. Matthew Catholic Chapel Committee and the Cultural Groups will culminate in the afternoon for the annual celebration of Fete Paix Bouche/Dos D’Ane and will showcase cultural talents of our people and will culminate with the performance of the Swinging Stars of Dominica.

This year the Council Awareness Month is observed with the theme “Paix Bouche/Dos D’Ane: Two Communities, One Council, One People.”

The Paix-Bouche/Dos D’Ane Village Council is dedicated to Community Development, its People and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Dominica over the years hence it is referred to as one of the Cultural Village of Dominica. The Council acknowledges the contribution of Commercial Sector, volunteers and other who have come on board to make this month activities held so far successful.

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