Our beloved Elizabeth Ida Lindsay known to us as ‘Betty’ or Liz who resided in the United Kingdom passed away at the Royal London Hospital on Monday 14th August 2023. Mourning her loss:
Siblings: Elzina Jno.Baptise in Dominica, Paula, Stephanie, Raymond and Robert in the United Kingdom.
15 nieces and nephews: Including: Tricia, Anolda and Gilbert in Dominica, Debbie and Tony in the
Numerous Cousins: including Josie, Donia, Agnes, Markie, Peter.
Other Relatives: The Lindsay, Destouche, Ford and Florant family in Dominica and overseas,
Many close friends: including the Dublin, Simon, Pierre, Jno. Baptiste family of Mahaut and Paul family of Morne Daniel.
A celebration of Life Service will be held on Friday 15th September 2023 in the UK at Our lady of The Rosary & Saint Patrick R. C. Church on Blackhorse Road. Burial will take place at the City of London Cemetery Aldersbrook Road.