We announce the death of Frederick Kelshall better known as Tony or Survival Dog. He was born on October 20, 1959 and died on September 12, 2022.
Left to mourn:
1 son Darron kelshall
3 grand children Jahrron Kelshall, Lacey Kelshall, Kennedy Kelshall
Adopted son Camron Fontaine
2 brothers Kerby Kelshall and Desmond kelshall
1 sister in law Christine Kelshall
2 nieces: Desriane kelshall and Desirè Kelshall
2 nephews: Joshua kelshall and Diamond Kelshall
1 God child: Nacera Reviere
Aunty Sylma and family
Cousins in Dominica: John Felix Thomas , Arundel Thomas, Marion Austrie, Alica Thomas, Evelyn Phillip, Oscar Francis And their families
Family overseas: Bendora Hypocrate, Corinthia Letang, Mona Christie, Bernadette Hairston, Bernard Hypocrate, Rhian Letang, Makeda Christie, Samara Christie, Damita Christie, Sherin Hairston, Shaina Hairston
Close friends: Sytocks, Laurice, Ti-cout, Adams, Baggers, Fletcher , Tony, Courage, Daryl, Brian Phillip And the whole community of Pottersville
The funeral service for the late Frederick Kelshall will be held on Friday 30th September, 2022 at the St Alphonsus Catholic Church in Pottersville . Viewing from 2.30 pm and Service at 3pm. Followed by interment at the Roseau Roman Catholic Cemetery.