


JCI Dominica held its Annual Installation and Awards Ceremony of its 2021 Board of Directors at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium Conference Room, under the theme: Celebrating A Legacy’.

The event began with opening remarks by Past President James Rodney, reinforcing the meaning and purpose of the JCI mission. This was followed by Immediate Past President Meritta Hyacinth, who in her farewell remarks encouraged the 2021 board to run the race with purpose and dedication. She further challenged the incoming board with the following quote “you have to fight the good fight, you have to finish the race, you have to keep the faith, you have to show quality in your work and in your service togetherness.”

Economist, motivational speaker, and General Manager of the Dominica Co-operative Society League LTD, Mr. Phoenix Belfield was the featured speaker. He urged the newly installed board that there are steps they should consider when building a legacy. He went on to list the four (4) steps;

  1. You have to cultivate a sincere heart to make a difference
  2. Build around your talents
  3. Selflessness
  4. You must become the change you want to see

The incoming 2021 President Jeannel David in her address reminded members that JCI Dominica is a diverse organization. She went on to say “we are creating an impact and changing lives, building leaders and developing minds. We stand on the foundation of service to humanity for we know that this is the best work of life”. She further stated that; “this year marks 61 years of JCI in the Caribbean. Each year, JCI local organizations from the region come together at our National Convention to share ideas and experiences on creating positive change. JCI Dominica will be privileged to host such a remarkable event under the theme “Mabrika Mabrika” – Celebrating diversity from October 12th to 16th 2021 at the Cabrits Resort & Spa Kempinski Dominica.”

The 2021 Board of Directors reads as follows:

Elected members:

President – Jeannel David

Immediate Past President – Meritta Hyacinth

Executive Vice President – Lyndelle Felix

Vice President Internal – Aisha JnoBaptise

Vice President External – Dervon Laurent

Secretary General – Donna Joseph

Treasurer – Naphana Mason 

Appointed Members:

Assistant Secretary Treasurer – Aquenel Victorine

Legal Counsel – Mickael Desbonnes

Training and Protocol Officer – Britney Clarke

Public Relations Officer- Annica Benjamin

Parliamentarian – Jemma Julien

Special Awards

Committee of the Year: Peace is Possible and World Clean Up Day – Chaired by JC Valina Shillingford

Chairperson of the Year: EVP Lyndelle Felix – Kiddies Carnival

Professionalism: PLC Monita Nicholls-James

Outstanding Leadership: President Jeannel David

Discovery and Impact: VP Aisha Jno Baptiste

Ambassador: JC Britney Clarke

Dedication and Service: AST Aquenel Victorine

Most Improve Member: AST Aquenel Victorine, JC Charlan Commodore

Most Outstanding New Member: JC Annica Benjamin

Most Outstanding Board Member: JC Jeannel David

Most Outstanding Member: Lyndelle Felix

Advisory Board Award: Meritta Hyacinth

Past NVP Daniel Reid Presidential Award: Meritta Hyacinth

Past NVP Daniel Reid Leadership Award: Jeannel David

Special Public Recognition                   

Most Outstanding Public Supporter:  Mrs. Shanner Hamilton

Most Outstanding Private Sector Supporter

Achipelago Trading

Fashion Line Store

Dr. Damian Dublin

Digicel Dominica












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