At a national consultation held on Friday 13, the religious groups in Dominica delineated a few of the strategies they have adopted in the fight against COVID-19.
Nurse Priscilla Prevost from The Seventh Day Adventist Church says that they have been circulating information on the virus and has asked all churches to upgrade washroom facilities to include dispensers for tissue paper and soap liquid and also garbage bins which are operated using the foot pedal. Further, the organization encourages social distancing and discourages the customary handshakes and hugs among other implementations.
Pastor Randy Rodney of the The Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches (DAIC) said that among other things, the organization is in communication with regional counterparts to discuss best practices and they are continuing to educate and pass on relevant information to their congregations. He said however, that they are also providing psycho social support as he has encountered especially parents who are stressed and need to be reminded that this is a virus and will not kill you ‘just like that’ for want of a better terminology. Rodney also said that prayer will be continual.
The Catholic Church had already circulated a document indicating changes to be made in light of COVID-19 which spoke of Holy Communion given only on the hand and no handshake as a sign of peace but instead a graceful bow. Monseigneur John Lewis also said that a four prong approach will be taken to include the spiritual, intellectual and the pastoral. Prayer services will be organized, constant education especially geared to reach the elderly and also the cancellation of some of the upcoming events.
The National consultation was held at the Goodwill Parish Hall.