Every year, the 4th of February is observed globally as World Cancer Day. The aim of this observance is to increase awareness and understanding about cancer and
Promote its prevention, detection, and treatment. The campaign theme for 2019-2021 is “I Am and I Will”.
The Dominica Cancer Society is please to once more join the global community to assist in raising awareness and understanding about cancer and to encourage prevention, early detection, and timely treatment. Cancer remains one of the most dreaded and deadly diseases in the world and according to World Health
Organization projections; deaths as a result of cancer are expected to continue to rise every year for the next several years.
The causes of cancer are varied and include Hereditary Predisposition–that is family history; Occupational and Environmental factors such as lifestyle and diet,
Chemicals -in foods and in the environment; Pesticide and Herbicide residue; Exposure to Radiation –X Rays, UV light; Psychological factors such as stress and negative emotions; Virus Infection–such as the Human Papilloma Virus which can be responsible for cervical cancer.
The number of people diagnosed with cancer in Dominica annually, continues to increase. Of particular concern to us at the Dominica Cancer Society are:
1.Age of Diagnosis -More people are being diagnosed at a younger age
2.Mortality Rates -Some individuals succumb to cancer related illness within months of being diagnosed.
3.Access to Timely Treatment -Many who are diagnosed do not have medical insurance or the financial means to access treatment in a timely manner and some treatments such as Radiation Therapy, are not available locally.
Breast cancer continues to be the leading cancer affecting women in Dominica and prostate cancer the leading cancer affecting our men. These cancers can
be detected early through regular screening, and successfully treated. The Dominica Cancer Society once again encourages everyone to take personal responsibility for their health.
Make healthy life style choices including partaking of more natural foods with daily servings of fruits and vegetable; engaging in some form of regular physical activity; reducing stress or develop coping mechanisms to handle stress effectively and most importantly get screened.
Women are encouraged to do a monthly self-breast examination and regular pap smear, because cervical cancer continues to be a cause for concern. Men aged 40 and over are encouraged to undergo prostate screening –PSA blood test and rectal examination. Most of these examinations can be done free of cost at some of the Primary Health Care facilities in Dominica. Get screened. Remember, the best protection is early detection.
Please support the efforts of the Dominica Cancer Society. Help us raise awareness
by wearing a ribbon or t-shirt on World Cancer Day–Tuesday 4th February.
Support our fund raising activities and make a financial contribution to our Cancer Care fund. We are the Dominica Cancer Society and we will continue to educate and advocate about cancer prevention, treatment and care. What about you?