Strong winds and life threatening hazardous seas are forecasted to affect Dominica from Saturday 30th January 2021 until about Wednesday February 3rd 2021.
A small craft warning and high surf advisory to be issued. Residents are advised to secure loose objects, which could become dangerous flying objects in strong winds up to 30mph or 50km/h by Sunday into Wednesday with brisk passing showers.
Drivers and pedestrians should exercise caution on the roads. Boat owners, businesses and home owners along the coast are advised to take the necessary precautions. Strong winds may result in detachment of leaves and small branches, fallen banana and plantain trees, rotten trees and trees with weak root systems.
Swells of 10 to 12ft with onshore breaking wave action will pose a danger to persons living near or traversing coastal areas. Small craft operators are advised to monitor for securing vessels to higher grounds.
Beachgoers are asked to avoid swimming as breaking waves will cause VERY DANGEROUS CONDITIONS. Coastal flooding from seas splashing on low laying coastal areas and roads are possible.
PLEASE continue to monitor and to take the necessary precautions to protect life and property.
For more information call: 4491752 or 6114490
Please note that a greater degree of cloudiness, more frequent rainfall and higher rainfall amounts are normally experienced across the east coast and interior of Dominica.
Prepared by: Marshall Alexander (Forecaster)