Dominica Editor's Choice

Waitukubuli Amateur Radio Association Inc. (WARA) Field Day Activity June 22nd – 23rd 2019

Waitukubuli Amateur Radio Association Inc. (WARA)  Field Day Activity June 22nd – 23rd 2019

Field Day is an annual amateur radio exercise, widely sponsored by International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) regions and member organizations, encouraging emergency communications preparedness among amateur radio operators worldwide. It is typically the largest single emergency preparedness exercise the world over, with thousands of operators participating each year. Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday.

Since the first American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day in 1933, radio amateurs throughout the world have practiced the rapid deployment of radio communications equipment in environments ranging from operations under tents in remote areas to operations inside Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs). Operations using emergency and alternative power sources are highly encouraged, since electricity and other public infrastructures are often among the first to fail during a natural disaster or severe weather.

The newly formed Waitukubuli Amateur Radio Association, Incorporated (WARA), with its mission: Serving Our Community One Key at a Time, will participate in this year’s field day activity by showcasing the many uses of ham radio at the Resource Centre in the Kalinago Territory on the 22 and 23 of June 2019.

The goals of this Association are to:

  • Promote interest in amateur radio communications and experimentation
  • Provide public amateur radio education through periodic classes
  • Relay non- commercial messages by radio without charge
  • Further public welfare
  • Advance the radio art within the community
  • Foster and promote intercommunications by electronic means for personal benefit of members but without pecuniary gain
  • Foster education in the field of electronic communication
  • Disseminate knowledge and information by electronic means
  • Print and publish documents and pamphlets for any of these purposes Article IV No part of the assets of the Association shall be the pro. In light of the above we you are invited to document our activity.

For any other information please contact the President: (interim) John Mitchel – J73MH at 767 3153673.

You can also visit the association’s website at

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