Dominica Death Announcement

Updated  Death Announcement of  64 year old HILDA EDITH JOSEPH CHARLES of Yampiece

Updated  Death Announcement of  64 year old HILDA EDITH JOSEPH CHARLES of Yampiece

We announce the death of Hilda Edith Joseph Charles, age 64, who resided at Yampiece and passed away in the United States on January 9th, 2024.

She is survived by:

Husband: Hector Charles 

Children: Dorian, Adrian, Diamane, Sharian, Verdian, Fabien, Keri-Ann, Omean, Diane & Dowane


Grandchildren: Kyle, Nashon, Natalia, Blessing, Derwyne, Jaiden, Jahnaya, Nasir, Bakari, Destiny, Danté & Yusef

Sister: Helen Reid

Nephews: Christopher Julien & Limbani Reid

Nieces: Samantha Fountaine, Ayisha Hilton & Jermaine Tarvernier

Grandnieces: Ashante, Cielo, Sarai, Joli-Marie

Grandnephews: Leciel, Aiden, Mickel-Leo

Daughters-in-law: Samanthia Lugay-Charles & Khonda Hamlet-Charles

Son-in-law: Irving Maynard

Uncles: Darius Williams, Eluid Williams

Cousins: Mary Login, Helen Login & family, Clotilde Williams & family, Mary Joseph, Cece Joseph & family, Easterlyn Adams & family, Kondwani Williams, Godson Charles, Arlington, Jerry

Close Friends: Edith Bailey, Cynthia Morvan, Natalie Charles & family, Wynante Jones & family, Nathalie John & family, Bischan Xavier & family, Veronica Jno Baptiste & family, Norissa Peter & family

Many other family and friends, names too numerous to mention. 

The funeral for the late Hilda Edith Joseph Charles will be held on Friday, March 8 2024 at 3:00pm at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Pottersville. Interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.

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