The Dominican Chess Team Has Officially Landed in Chennai, India as they get ready to participate in the 44th Chess Olympiad.
The Olympiad Games start on the 29th of July, to 10 August 2022, and is recognized as the most prominent chess gathering of the year.
This year will see a record-breaking number of over 187 hundred countries compete at the Olympiad, with the Dominican Chess Federation making history by opening doors to the highest stages of the Sport of Chess for this and future generations to benefit from.
The seven-man team consists of: 1.DCF president, Mr. Nigel K Francis,2. Robert Bridet 3.Dr. Lyndon Auguiste 4.Mr. Larry Thomas 5.Mr. Brandon Henry 6. Daniel Scotland 7.Mr. Sohan Phadke, have all put in tremendous work and effort sharpening their skills to perform on the highest stage of the sport.
President of the DCF Nigel Francis speaking from India, expressed the team’s enthusiasm to represent the Home Flag proudly as the Federation is moving steadfast in its goal to create positive avenues for the youth to use their talents and skills to help develop not only themselves but also their country and advance the sport of chess.