Dominica now has the support of a Customer Service Institute dedicated to a focus on exceptional customer service and the development of national service standards Island-wide. The organization is an NGO membership body for service professionals embarking on an ambitious journey with an inspiring mission of transforming Dominica into a Service Nation.
According to Relationship Director Ms. Ezra Nicholas the Institute is currently working to articulate a strategic framework for addressing our national service gaps. At its highest level this strategic framework should encourage national buy-in for customer service standards and for protecting and honoring customer experiences. Our Institute offer organisations with technical diagnostic tools for broadly analyzing their customer service experiences by supporting the active monitoring of actual service interactions and helping to develop strategic commitments to service standards that actively promote excellence in service delivery both from a national and organisational standpoint.
The Institute has already begun to partner with local organisations in the bid to drive a culture of
Service. By developing Customer oriented strategies and encouraging firms to build their market share and business competitiveness this is indeed great news for the many persons who have in the past lamented over the lack of what seems to be less than excellent customer service. This is indeed an ambitious journey to Excellence one that everyone can become involved with.
The Institute will be hosting an Empowerment and Leadership Seminar on January 12th, 2021 that targets Service Managers and Leaders. This will begin its advocacy work on a high point, the team having already marked their calendar year as the Great Year of Opportunity.
To learn more about the work of the Dominica Institute of Customer Service or to participate in upcoming events register at:[email protected] To become an organisational or professional member send an email subject inquiry to [email protected]