Dominica Editor's Choice



The Fernance and Cyrilla Family Club (FCFC) is proud to announce that efforts are continuing in its drive in giving children an avenue to develop a love for reading and writing.  Additionally, children are being encouraged to channel their expressions and thoughts through poems and short stories and these are compiled into a book.  

As you may recall, the first book titled Stories by Children Volume 1 – “Family” was launched and is now available for purchase at Jays Book Store, and from family members.  The children’s book is also available for order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The second volume, titled Stories by Children Volume 2 – “When I grow up” is well on its way to be made available to the public.  For this book compilation, a literacy competition was held among children in Dominica and in the Diaspora earlier this year.  The entries from different age category will form part of the book along with entries from children of the family.


The Club wishes to congratulate the winners of each age category which are as follows: 

Under 5 age category             

1st place: Malaika Augustus         

2nd place: Justina Richards

 6-9 age category           

1st place: Deon dwards  

2nd place: Jahlil Seaman                  

3rd place : Serlani Smith 

10-12 age category              

1st place: Gianna- Marie Ducreay       

2nd place: Jerimiah Adrien         

3rd place: Truh Francis            

13- 16 age category

1st place : Jonae Francis

2nd place: Princess George

3rd place : Jackina Seaman

The general public should anticipate the launch of Stories by Children Volume 2 by the end of 2022.

Mrs. Nicole Toussaint Jno-Baptiste, Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Fernance and Cyrilla Family Club said that the general public should make every effort to purchase Stories by Children Volume One – “Family.”  She looks forward to the public’s continued support in purchasing Stories by Children Volume Two when it becomes available.  This she believes will encourage the children to have a love for learning and reading.

She’s encouraging the pubic to follow Stories by Children on

Instagram: fcfcstoriesbychildren

Facebook: FCFC Stories by Children


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