Dominica Editor's Choice

Social Welfare Division Holds Prize Giving Ceremony

Social Welfare Division Holds Prize Giving Ceremony

The Social Welfare Division held a number of  activities to commemorate Workd Children’s Day which was celebrated on November 20.

The Division organized Art and Poetry competitions which were open to students at various schools as well as a bonding activity which was extended to the general public.

On Thursday, the Division awarded participants in the various competitions for their hard work and success.

The winners were:Art:

Carlan Fontaine
Aaliyah Charles and Kemayah Ferrol received certificates of participation for their art submissions.

Poetry: Rooney Williams who presented a winning poem entitled, Voices of COVID-19.

Bonding activity were  Ayesha Carbon and Kelano pascal, Serlani and Williams Smith, Rochelle and Raphael Eloi and Kaylani and Diane Daniel.

Coordinator of the Child Abuse Prevention Unit, Mrs. Nichole Toussaint Jno. Baptiste said thanked everyone for their participation in all the activities.

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