Dominica Press release

“Safe Waves” celebrates achievements and looks to the future at Closing Ceremony

“Safe Waves” celebrates achievements and looks to the future at Closing Ceremony

On August 22, 2024, the Rising Tides team celebrated the successful conclusion of the Safe Waves Summer Program with a closing ceremony in Soufriere. The event celebrated the achievements of 64 young people who completed the seven-week learning series focused on environmental stewardship and making Dominica’s coastal communities safer, more inclusive, and resilient.

Launched through a partnership among the Dominica Olympic Committee (DOC), the Dominica Amateur Swimming Association (DASA) and the Soufriere Outdoor Centre (SOC), the Safe Waves program was funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

During the ceremony held at the Soufriere Guest House, a wide range of stakeholders and dignitaries, including Dominica’s Minister of Tourism, the President of the DOC, and the Political and Public Affairs Officer from the High Commission of Canada, highlighted the program’s remarkable achievements, its impact on the local community, and its future potential.

Gabrielle Agar and Sky Fishleigh, Rising Tides co-developers and Safe Waves instructors, chaired the event emphasizing the urgent need to address the growing risks faced by coastal communities, which are exacerbated by climate change and water-related accidents. Agar highlighted that beyond safety, the program sought to empower marginalized communities and challenge gender disparities in aquatic activities, opening doors to new careers and fostering a lifelong connection to the marine environment. Fishleigh reflected on the transformative impact the program had on participants sharing, “Over the past seven weeks, Safe Waves participants not only gained the skills to protect themselves and others but also the confidence to overcome their fears and explore new possibilities,” citing experiences such as kayaking in marine reserves and coral reef restoration.

President of the DOC Billy Doctrove expressed pride in the multi-stakeholder partnership which contributed towards the program’s success and announced plans for an official Safe Waves Guidebook to share best practices and encourage the sustainability of the project. “We at the Dominica Olympic Committee are ready to continue the progression of this program to others and to the wider community,” he added.

In a pre-recorded keynote address following her participation in the Paris Olympics, Dominican Olympic swimmer Jasmin Schofield underscored the importance of educating youth about the local reef environment and building an appreciation for the ocean. “I’ve noticed that the more kids bond with something, the more they will want to protect it later. This is no different when it comes to our ecosystems.” Schofield went on to say, “When it comes to the long-term effects of programs like Safe Waves, I’ve seen people develop such a deep love for the water that they build their whole life around it…THAT is the true beauty of initiatives like these.”

Parliamentary Representative for the Soufriere Constituency and Minister for Tourism, Hon. Denise Charles-Pemberton praised the program for educating, equipping, and empowering young participants, while also creating job opportunities within the Blue Economy. Directly addressing the young people in attendance, Minister Charles-Pemberton challenged them “to not just use your skills for recreation or job creation, but to be leaders in your communities. Add your voice to the fight against climate change.” The Minister expressed gratitude to the instructors and the Government of Canada for their support, emphasizing the importance of such initiatives in fostering a generation of coastal protection advocates.

Wes Moses, owner of Soufriere Outdoor Centre, commended the Safe Waves team for their exceptional work throughout the summer and highlighted the importance of partnerships in the success of such programs. He encouraged the young participants to consider careers in the Blue Economy and to “pay it forward” by contributing to the growth of the movement.

Political and Public Affairs Officer at the High Commission of Canada to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Amanda Martinez underlined Canada’s continued commitment to Dominica, particularly as it aims to become the world’s first climate resilient nation. “Canada is supporting Dominica in its pursuit of this objective, mainly through our large-scale development projects that encourage an inclusive approach to climate action. However, we are also supporting this goal with small-scale community programs like this one, which is youth-focused and youth-driven.” Martinez shared that Canada hopes this CFLI project will encourage a new generation of environmental activists and advocates for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

One of the program’s graduates, 16 year-old Neriah Desiree, shared her positive experience, highlighting the educational and fun aspects of the program and expressing gratitude on behalf of the participants to everyone who made it possible.

In closing, Sky Fishleigh emphasized that the conclusion of the Safe Waves 2024 summer program was just one step in an ongoing journey. “We have many visions for the future and new collaborations. Our goal is to keep working towards a stronger, safer, more resilient ‘Nature Isle,’ and to set an example for the Caribbean as a whole.”

Follow Rising Tides: Facebook @Safe Waves Swim Camp and Instagram @safavewaves.2024

In addition to the project funding provided by the Government of Canada, Rising Tides acknowledges the following organizations and individuals for their contributions to the Safe Waves 2024 Program:

  • The Dominica Olympic Committee
  • Dominica Amateur Swimming Association
  • Soufriere Outdoor Centre
  • Soufriere Guest House
  • Tania Burnett – Capacity Officer, Dominica Olympic Committee
  • Woody Lawrence – President, Dominica Amateur Swimming Association
  • Billy Doctrove – President, Dominica Olympic Committee
  • Wes Moses – Owner, Soufriere Outdoor Centre and Soufriere Guesthouse
  • Shayla Johnson and Mason Robinson – Assistant Instructors
  • Jessica Canham – Administration Support
  • Bell Arts
  • Renatta Langlais – Gender Equity Consultant
  • Joe Hillmann – Coral Nursery Manager
  • Simon Walsh – Director, Coral Restoration Oceans Forward
  • Numero Uno Taxi Service
  • One-Off Productions
  • LINK International Productions
  • Waitucirque
  • Hazels Touch
  • Jeanne’s Cuisine
  • Roadrunner Car Rental
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