Once again, forces are at work to besmirch and undermine the good name of Dominica, in the eyes of the region and the world. Pictures not only tell a thousand words, they also tell the story that is narrated.
The sight of hundreds of persons outside the office of the Prime Minister, seeking an audience with the Prime Minister to discuss matters of personal, community and national interest, can be seen from different perspectives.
I take strong objection and serious offense to the interpretation of this as Dominicans being hungry and desperate for food and coming to the office of the Prime Minister for a pittance. Nothing could be further from the truth and I unreservedly apologize to all those who were defamed and insulted by the portrayal of them as such.
The facts are that ever since my becoming Prime Minister of Dominica, more than 15 Years ago, I have instituted an open door policy, in which citizens and residents can come see me and speak directly with me about matters of interest to them.
There is no restriction on subject matter. My philosophy is simple… the same way that foreigners can hop on a plane and come to Dominica and request an audience with the Prime Minister, any Dominican from any walk of life, can call and come see the Prime Minister.