The President of Dominica, His Excellency Charles Angelo Savarin, addressed the nation on Monday night in light of Dominica’s present COVID-19 status. As of Sunday, all of Dominica’s 16 reported positive cases of COVID-19 have recovered.
The president made mention of the perseverance, hard work and effort of frontline workers, care givers, Prime Minister, Minister of Health, cabinet of ministers and their staff, the media and the private sector. He said that special mention must be made of the work of national epidemiologist Dr. Shaluddin Ahmed, communication specialist in the Ministry of Health Ms.Sheena Harry, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Curvin Ferreira, Director of Primary Health Care and Chair of the Contact Tracing Unit Laura Esprit and Deputy Chief of Police Lincoln Corbette for a job well done.
The president also made note of the general adherence of the public to established health protocols set by the Ministry.
His Excellency reminded all that our battle with COVID-19 is not yet over and that we have entered a new phase in our response. Therefore we must do all in our power to avoid a second wave of the disease in our country.
While the Government has allowed students and cruise workers to return home, this calls for greater community vigilance. Community vigilance is also needed to help prevent illegal entry into the country. Persons must also be mindful of burning fires outdoors in order to reduce the incidence of fires.
The president concluded his address by calling on the nation to be faithful to God and give Him thanks for his intervention, his steadfast love, grace and mercy especially since we had no COVID-19 related deaths. We have done well but should not become complacent.
He quoted from the book of Matthew 19:26 and said that we must move forward in absolute faith knowing that our Lord and Saviour will hold us in His loving arms and sing of his goodness.