Dominica Editor's Choice

Police Expresses Concern Over Murders In Dominica; Promises To Step Up Game In Pursuing Investigations

Police Expresses Concern Over Murders In Dominica; Promises To Step Up Game In Pursuing Investigations

Superintendent of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID), Davidson Valerie, says that the police is very concerned about the murders happening in Dominica. He says that it is destructive and the police will pursue the investigations with all their might.

“We are very much concerned about the way in which people are using guns among themselves. This is not a good picture for us…It’s destructive to life, to our young people, communities and we have to be concerned about the safety of our people.”

He sent a stern warning to all those involved in such activities.

“So we want to warn those people who want to live that kind of life; make it a practice; that the police will continue to pursue them. We are going to pursue these investigations. We are going to pursue [them] with all our might and bring the perpetrators to justice. We are not going to tolerate this practice. Those persons who want to make that their livelihood, the police will step up and deal with it accordingly.”

Valerie referenced the murder close to the Boeri Lake last week and said that while arrests were made in that case, one death is too many and this is not the way young people should settle their differences.

Valerie is calling  on society in general to speak out about the young people who are involved in such activities.

“We must all come together and speak about it and try our best to stamp that sort of practice out of our community”.

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Emo News Editors

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