Today May 12th, 2019, officially begins the week of activities for the Dominica Nurses Association (DNA) to commemorate nurses week 2019. Every year, May 12th is set apart as International Nurses Day. May 12th, was chosen as it is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is considered the ‘mother’ of nursing.
This year’s theme chosen by the International Council of Nurses is ‘Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Health for All’. According to ICN, A Voice to Lead reflects the fact that “every nurse has a story and every story has the potential to improve the health system and enable individuals and communities to achieve their highest attainable standard of health. From these insights comes the power for change.” Health for All means “not just the availability of health services, but a complete state of physical and mental health. (Source: Canadian Nurses Association)
The DNA joins the rest of the world in celebrating International Nurses Day with a week of activities beginning with a church service at the Goodwill Pentecostal Church. On Monday, there will be a press conference at the PSU building at 9 AM and then an educational conference hosted by the ALL Saints University at 2:30 PM. A panel discussion will follow on Tuesday 14th, at 6 PM, at the PSU building on the topic ‘Heath for All’. While on Wednesday, the nurses will take to various media outlet for ‘media day’. Thursday will be ‘Ba Yo Love Day’- a day to show appreciation to nurses. Friday will be a talent show to raise funds for the organization. The week of activities culminates on Saturday with a river bash at Belles River.
Hats off to the DNA and to every nurse in particular for the great job done under adverse conditions.