On November 25th 2021, Attorney-at-law, Ms. Britney Zarah Pharoah of Grand Bay, was called to the Bar and admitted to practice law in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Upon interview with Emonews, she articulated, “I am happy to be the newest member of the legal fraternity.”
According to Pharoah, her journey to becoming an attorney-at-law was fraught with moments of despair, but also moments of great pride and accomplishment. She expressed, “I began my journey at the University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus in Trinidad and Tobago where I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Second Class Honors (Upper Division). She added, “Thereafter, I obtained my Legal Education Certificate at the Hugh Wooding Law School in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, being one of the first generation of lawyers to complete the two-year programme in an online setting and also manage to make it to the Principal’s Roll of Honor.”
Prior to such remarkable accomplishments, Pharoah became known to the public after having competed as National Queen Show Contestant in 2016 in which she emerged 2nd Runner Up, capturing the awards for best evening wear, best in evening wear, best costume and best in costume. She took that hardworking spirit and applied it to her legal journey, a journey of wins and losses. Pharoah noted that she has had to face a number of challenges to get to where she is now.
“First, I had absolutely no idea how a girl from very humble beginnings like myself, would have turned her childhood dream of becoming an attorney-at-law into a reality. Then, I had to endure the sleepless nights, late nights and early morning studies, UWI examinations, self-doubt, fears of failure, the loss of friends and my grandparents and the unprecedented virtual Hugh Wooding Law School Examinations in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, to say the least,” she pointed out.
Nevertheless, with her fighting spirit it was no surprise that she would be able to overcome these challenges. “It was through sheer determination and my faith in God that I was able to fight through every obstacle in my way to accomplishing my dream. It was no easy task, but I have always believed that through constant prayer, hard work and dedication, I would be successful. I also believed that my struggles and perseverance would build my character and give me the endurance needed to forge ahead in this career,” she stated.
Upon her address to the court in the presence of Justice Birnie Stephenson, Pharoah voiced, “M’ lady, today marks what I consider to be the most anticipated and proudest moment of my life, and the beginning of what I know will be a very fulfilling, successful and invigorating legal career. I am humbled, by what seemed to be insurmountable challenges that I faced at every single step of my journey to get to this point.”
Furthermore, Pharoah took the opportunity to thank the persons who were instrumental to her success. “M’ Lady, I must therefore take this opportunity to publicly thank God for his will over my life, and the many strangers, family members, friends, acquaintances, and loved ones, both living and departed, whom he so carefully and purposefully placed in my path to ensure that, despite my many challenges, I stand here today,” she expressed.
In addition, she extended her sincere and earnest gratitude to the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, and in particular, the Honorable Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, for the financial assistance afforded to her throughout her educational journey. Moreover, Pharaoh thanked her parents, Theodora Letang and Vantie Pharoah for their prayers, love and sacrifices throughout her time as a student.
It is noteworthy that Pharoah is currently the only attorney-at-law residing in the community of Grand Bay. She voiced, “To the Community of Grand Bay, I will be at your service whenever you are in need of me.” She further expressed condolences on the sudden passing of the late Honorable Edward Registe, who proved to be a source of support and who was enthusiastic to be present when she was called to the Bar.
At current, Pharaoh serves as an associate at Pinnacle Law Chambers. She thanks Mrs. Buffong-Royer, for taking her under her wings during her in-service training. “I am grateful for the opportunity to be mentored by you, and I strive to practice law with as much grace, class and charisma as you do,” she added.
Interestingly, Pharaoh hopes that she can contribute to the Bar Association and to be an advocate for the implementation of a Legal Profession Act in Dominica. She believes that a Legal Profession Act is intrinsic to enrolment and practice of all legal practitioners and would aid in the general enhancement of the legal profession.
Pointedly, she expressed, “As I embark on my career, I hope to fulfil my duties to my clients, the court and other members of the legal profession with honesty, diligence and integrity, and to be a beacon of hope and inspiration to others who one-day wish to join the profession,” she stated.
She encourages aspiring lawyers to pray and never limit their potential. “You are what you believe, and if you believe that you are meant to be an attorney-at-law, be fearless in the pursuit of your dream!” she exclaimed.
In the true spirit of service and giving back, she aims to serve well and to remain grounded in faith and humility.
1 Comment
Congratulations…never say never !!