Dominica Education Editor's Choice

Marisa Rodney Scholarship Awarded for the first time:

Marisa Rodney Scholarship Awarded for the first time:

In honor of his deceased sister’s life and academic excellence prior to her death in 2004, James Rodney and his family have initiated the Marisa Rodney Scholarship, dedicated to a less fortunate grade-six student at the Saint Martin’s Primary School.

Rodney aspired for two decades to transform this grievous and painful tragedy into a well-deserved gift as way of affording an unfortunate student of that school a fair chance at a high school education.

The inaugural recipient of the E.C $1,200.00 scholarship Emily Thomas’ recognition of her family’s financial strain never altered her commitment to excellence. This attitude warranted validation of her passion and dedication, from her educators, especially her class teacher, Christel Lambert. Lambert proudly testified, “I could see her determination, she pushed through, no matter what the circumstances were, she would be sick and still attend school, she was always present, she is not a child who would miss school, she would do her homework, do her research.” She went on to admire her student’s ethics, “she’s a child who realizes that her mother is struggling, and she decided that she is not going to waste her mother’s effort.”

Such qualities of student excellence very well emulate that of the late Marisa Rodney, who her brother affirms was extremely academically advanced from a very young age. In fact, one of James’ fondest memories of his sister was her ability to assist their older high school sister with homework, something she took pleasure in doing as a primary schooler.

 In 1992 a miracle baby was born with a hole to her heart that had led medical staff to predict a short three days of life for Marisa. Her mother immediately discharged herself along with her ill baby, with plans to retire at home. Thankfully, her presumed fate was dismissed, allowing her twelve full years in the physical world. Despite fluctuation in her health, Marisa was never deterred from fulfilling her education and engaging in activities which brough her joy. James reminisces his little sister engaging in sports and dance, or even styling her own hair, rarely displaying signs of deteriorating health. Nevertheless, on the Easter weekend of April 2004, Marisa’s health hit rock bottom and her chances at a normal life regressed. Unlike students who normally take advantage of time away from school, Marisa would dread missing school due to her illness. She found herself pleading with her class teacher at the time, Mrs. Brinette Moreau to return to class, but was always advised on the seriousness of her health declination and was encouraged to remain rested.  Her final days were those of ambition and certainty of a bright future, declaring her soon enrolment into Convent High School and future career as a model. Marisa knew her capabilities, but that was unfortunately short-lived. Her aspirations came to a halt on Saturday, 1st May when she took her last breath just two weeks ahead of her Common Entrance Examinations, now Grade 6 National Assessment (G6NA).

Twenty years later, upon receipt of the Marisa Rodney scholarship on Thursday, 28th June 2024, an emotional Emily holding a similar goal of attending the Convent High School expressed deep gratitude for her faculty’s recommendation. Her revelation speaks on the prevalence of such an opportunity and relation to the scholarship’s foundation. Emily laments on the passing of her very own sister whom she relayed had passed before her opportunity at the G6NA from cancer. “My sister always wanted to go to convent and succeed and she was a very smart child, and this makes me so happy to know that I can live my sister’s dream for her,” she cried.

Meanwhile, Principal Mrs. Moreau foresees this new scholarship program bringing hope to students who may fall short of affording a high school education. With elation, remembering Marisa as one of her best students and best writer, she expressed, “it helps to motivate the students who are struggling, to know that there is help, and that people like you all can help them to ensure that they enter high school.”

The Marissa Rodney Scholarship is expected an annual presentation to one less fortunate G6NA student emulating the characteristics and academical ethics of Marisa during her time on Earth. James Rodney elaborated, “ it would be for the value of $1,200.00, twelve (12) being Marisa’s age at the time of her passing, and it will be exclusively awarded to a student of need every year who attended the Saint Martin’s Primary School which Marisa was passionate about.” Congratulating Emily, he continued to mention her illustration of the qualities related to his dear sister during her time at the primary school. “This has been an aspiration of mine to honor her in a tangible way.”

Marisa Tricia Rodney departed this world at the tender age of twelve years old with so much vision and drive in such a small body, that it is only right her dream is honored in some way. May she continue to rest in perfect peace.       

Writer Credit: Kadijah Menerville

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