Marie Pascale Music and Ngaska Holdings present the first ever Safari Royal: African-themed Dinner and Brunch events with live entertainment, featuring Marie Pascale and the Melanin Band, with renditions of the most acclaimed African and Afro-Caribbean songs. The events are in perfect cohesion with the Dominica emancipation and Kadans-Lypso celebrations happening in July.
Marie Pascale, the Afrobeat Princess of the Caribbean, has partnered with the Fort Young Hotel, a premiere hotel and dive center on the island, to bring these events to life. The artist, who was born and raised in Douala, Cameroon (West Africa), emigrated to Dominica where she became a medical doctor, while still maintaining her passion for music. The Caribbean and Nature Isle influence have played a cornerstone role in her artistic development, and she learned to body her mission to bring healing, hope, love and renewed spirituality through her music; hence her motto: “Music is Medicine ”.
Ngaska Holdings, headquartered in Dakar, Senegal (West Africa), created a significant presence in the Dominican market through its online store (The Ngaska Store), which provides authentic african prints, jewelry and accessories from the motherland to our caribbean homes. The Ngaska Store has become an undisputed reference on island for authentic african prints, lace and jewelry year round, and more importantly during the emancipation, independence and “end of year holidays” seasons. Through the Ngaska Store, Ngaska Holdings aims at bridging the gap between Africa, the motherland, and the Afro-Caribbean diaspora.
Choosing the name “Safari Royal” is not random. It’s a reminder that we are truly descendants of royalty. We are Kings and Queens and we should act and live like Kings and Queens! I am grateful to be able to work so hard for what I believe in, I am grateful for the grace to have dreams and the courage to pursue them, I am grateful for the mercies bestowed upon me. That is why I don’t waste them. My talent, my abilities are all a gift from God and I will keep on using them as intended. I encourage you to do the same. (Marie Pascale Music, the Afrobeat Princess of the Caribbean).
The SAFARI ROYAL Gala Dinner (red carpet event) and Brunch will both take place at the Palisades Restaurant (Fort Young Hotel), on Saturday, July 30th from (7:00 PM – 10:00 PM) and Sunday, July 31st, 2022 (11:30 AM – 2:00 PM) respectively. Patrons can choose to attend 1 or both events. The dress code is “African Style”, and patrons are encouraged to represent with style, colors and creativity.
To reserve a seat or a table, contact:
The Fort Young Hotel: Call: +1 767 448-5000 or WhatsApp: +1 767 285-6377.
The Ngaska Brands: Call or Whatsapp: +1 767 285 3963