Upon the application of Andre Marvin Paul’s attorney to have the indictment re-read, the accused entered a plea of not guilty for the offense of Grievous bodily harm however he pleaded guilty to the offence of Unlawful wounding.
Based on his plea, the state represented by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Ms. Sherma Dalrymple, accepted the accused’s plea and withdrew the first count of Grevious bodily harm.
The state submitted that they filed the agreed facts in the matter and these facts were accepted by the defence.
Justice Colin Williams then said to the offender that he has been convicted of unlawful wounding of Rennick Elise at the Indian River Complex.
Attorney for the offender entered a plea in mitigation stating that the offender is a 33 year-old fisherman with five young children and that he is very remorseful.
The offender addressed the court and apologized for wasting the Court’s time and apologized profusely to the Virtual Complainant, Rennick Elizee who was not present at Court.
The offender’s attorney asked the Court to temper justice with mercy and that a reasonable fine be paid within a reasonable time. The state also agreed that a fine is considered reasonable in the circumstances. The sentence was handed down as follows: EC$2,000 to paid on or before Thursday the 30th day of November, 2023 and in default, 9 months in prison.