Dominica Editor's Choice

Loik Charles Describes His Experience In Quarantine

Loik Charles Describes His Experience In Quarantine

One’s first impression of Loik Charles is definitely not his disability. It probably would be that he is well spoken and impeccably well mannered (as was the case with me) or that you are fascinated by what he has accomplished so far. Loik is definitely a trailblazer in the Dominican context who has set the path for many Dominicans to follow in his footsteps.

Loik is a visually impaired student at the University of The Incarnate Word in Texas, majoring in Music Industry studies. Loik is able to communicate through WhatsApp and other social media through software installed on his devices. He has certainly overcome immense challenges to have reached this far in his academic journey.

Loik recently returned to Dominica as a result of studies being moved online due to COVID-19 and spent 14 days in quarantine. The following is his experience during those 14 days.


“Let’s just say it wasn’t the best. There were a lot of minor things which I believe should have been taken into consideration that were not. There were a few instances where I missed a meal because I was told not to come to them, they would come to me, and upon waiting for however long, I realized I was possibly skipped or forgotten about. I believe being a person with a disability should have made me a priority and this should have never occured”.

Loik says however, that the building was accessible and essentials were provided for. He is grateful for the opportunity to have returned home since there really was not any reason to remain on  campus since classes were being moved online.

After, quarantine at the facility at Portsmouth, Loik had to be quarantined at home. He says that his family is usually sanitary and so many changes did not have to be made within the family. However, his parents wear masks when they venture out of the house. Loik remained in his bedroom for the most part and used his own computer to get his assignments and tests done. This is the norm and “I manage quite well, if I may say so”.

Loik says that his experience in general “has been a blessed one,  honestly. Can’t complain”.  Because he is asthmatic he is staying far away from public areas for now.

Loik’s advice to persons with disabilities is “to remain safe, and do not be afraid to speak up for what you need, especially in a time like now. People may be willing to help but may not know what you need or how to help, so use this time to educate them”.

To the authorities, he says, “I urge you to pay closer attention to persons with disabilities in this time. Do not put them on the back burner. And let’s all do the best we can to keep ourselves and loved ones safe”.

Loik also extends a heartfelt thank you to those who have contributed towards his education so far, whether individuals or businesses. He is still in need of more funds to continue his education. There is a GoFundMe page set up on his behalf that persons can make contributions to. Loik asks the general public to consider making a contribution towards his academic pursuits,  no matter what you think you can afford to give. He says, “As small as it is believe me, it will indeed go a long way.Thank you so much”.

Let us all remember the persons in our community with disabilities and lend a helping hand especially during this pandemic. Let us especially remember Loik and assist in whatever way we can towards his academic pursuits.

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