On Thursday 9th January, 2020, Junior Chamber International (JCI) Dominica hosted their Annual Installation and Awards Cocktail Ceremony held at the Fort Young Hotel. This esteemed event combined the installment of the 2020 Executive Board as well as bestowing certificates of appreciation and awards to members that had performed their respective roles with distinction throughout 2019.
The ceremony was led by Master of Ceremony, JC Lyndelle Felix.
Incoming Immediate JCI Dominica Past President, Mr. James Rodney, who served for the year 2019 closed his year as President with a farewell speech, remarking that “We have to remain resilient, dedicated and committed to accelerating our transformation as an organization.” He also reminded us that the theme for this year is ‘Let’s Grow’, and added by saying “Let’s grow together and rise to the occasion of being the leading active organization.”
The evening saw various awards and certificates presented in different forms to the following members present.
Member of the Year – Aquenel Victorine
Most Improved Member and chairperson of the year– Syra Clarke
Outstanding Leadership – Shonna Harris
Best Committee – ROS Committee
JCI Member Award – Mickael Desbonnes
President’s Award – Tania Burnett
Executive of the Year – Jeannel David
Excellence in leadership – Britney Clarke
Commitment to Leadership Award- James Rodney
As is customary at the Annual Installation and Awards Gala, the newly elected and appointed members who were present were also sworn in to serve for the 2020 chapter. This included;
President – Meritta Hyacinth
Executive Vice President – Jeannel David
Vice President (External) – Natasha Greaves
Vice President (Internal) – Shonna Harris
Secretary General – Myra Bruno
Treasurer – Syra Clarke
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer – Mickael Desbonnes
Public Relations Officer – Mitchel Davis
Training Officer and Protocol Officer – Tasha George
Legal Counsel – Monita Nicholls-James
Incoming JCI Dominica President – Meritta Hyacinth, closed the evening by declaring that leadership is not about the growth of one, it’s about investing in the growth of all. She also reinforced that the theme for this Executive year is ‘Let’s Grow’ stating “Let us grow our garden and be ready to export our fruit.”
More information about becoming a member of this service based nonprofit organization which consists of young persons ages 18 to 40 can be sourced by contacting 1-767-317-5249.
About JCI Dominica
JCI is a nonprofit organization of young active citizens age 18 to 40 who are engaged and committed to creating impact in their communities. Active citizens are individuals interested in the future of our world. JCI gathers active citizens from all sectors of society. We develop the skill, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and take action. JCI Dominica provides avenues for enthusiastic, career driven young persons to make a difference and to be part of a global network of young, active citizens.
For more information, please contact: [email protected] or 1(767)317-5249