Dominica Editor's Choice

It Is About Sharing Love and Making Children Smile

It Is About Sharing Love and Making Children Smile

Typically associated with helping injured dogs, for already third year St. Nicholas Animal Rescue organized a Christmas party for orphaned children at CHANCES. This year, however, it was different.  Instead of a small group of volunteers visiting children – children arrived at the premises of St Nicholas University where veterinary students, staff, and rescue volunteers were waiting with specially prepared food, sweets, attractions, Christmas gifts – and of course with many cute puppies to play with!

Rescue volunteers and University staff worked for a few days before to bath puppies, pack gifts, and organize fun activities. The puppies of SNAR were clean and dressed for the occasion, Santa arrived to deliver gifts.
Each child had early-on written a letter to Santa with one special gift that they really wished for – and  thanks to Rescue friends and sponsors all their wishes came true. Santa had amazing stories for children and distributed their personal gifts.
It is worth mentioning that this year saw also generous donations by S-mart, Archipelago, and Patty Shack delivering variety of patties, drinks, sweets, and even a child-version of non-alcoholic fun champagne to celebrate incoming holidays with a flair.

Dr. Rita Zreik-Nassief, one of Rescue managing volunteers organizing this party said:  “It is so important to share as much as we can. With our charity resources being really small, it does not mean we should give up on extra things. This is proof that determination, collaboration and enthusiasm make things possible. Yes, we had to use our funds – but seeing our determination made our sponsors come to join us up this season, making it a magical time for our special guests.  As per Rescue motto – together we can make a difference!”

Students of St Nicholas University mingled with children introducing them to puppies and dogs, and making sure that all fun activities were also safe. Everybody present did their best to make it a special moment. A couple of Rescue friends brought sandwiches and a cake, adding to already prepared food.  Pinatas filled with sweets and candies donated by the students were crashed by the children who filled their Christmas hats with loads of these freed candies.

Dr Golnaz Naderkhani, Rescue’s founder and President of University added: “It is important to me personally not to stop at helping animals. We are a charitable organization working days and often nights to help animals – but bringing joy to children is equally important to me. Happiness matters. To see happy smiling children having fun playing with animals and being celebrated – adds another dimension to our Rescue’s operation. While we help animals, our rescued animals can also help children feel good and have fun. We will continue and try to find new ways of contributing to our community”.

Dr Rita Rita Zreik-Nassief interrupted to add her words of appreciation: ” Special thanks to our sponsor Patty Shack donating patties and money for the gifts, Archipelago which donated the drinks. Thanks to family and friends who each one got out of their way to fulfill the children’s’ wishes. To University canteen manager Catherine who baked the pizzas and the bakes, staff  Martys and Tonya who took care of the puppies and prepared the theater. And last but not least Dr. Naderkhani for always opening her premises and her heart by giving back to her beloved Dominica.”

With all food gone quickly and sun setting down, it was almost too soon  for children to say good-byes.  They will meet again next year. But for one puppy it was also a special day! It got adopted! This indeed is a win-win situation – finding a happy home for a puppy while making children happier!

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