The annual Professional Development Summer Institute organized by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Canadian Teacher Federation commenced Monday 8 July and will continue for two weeks. Over one hundred teachers will be trained in various subject areas identified as weaknesses within the classroom.
Education minister, Hon. Petter St. Jean says that teachers need to be inspired in order to be effective. “We continue to subscribe to the view that a well trained, knowledgeable and inspired teacher is one of the most important factors influencing student achievement. In fact, a teacher’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness can make or break a student. It is therefore critical to provide training and support for both new and experienced educators. Professional development keeps teachers up to date on new research on how children learn, emerging technology tools for the classrooms, new curriculum resources and much more”.
Meanwhile, Assistant Chief Education Officer, Dr. Jeffrey Blaize says that teachers must “demonstrate an interest in the full and total well being of the whole child”. He says teachers must practice “total student care and attention” which is “going beyond the student’s immediate cognitive competencies, going beyond what is happening in the classroom and giving serious consideration to factors that are well beyond the classroom walls”.
Primary School principals will also undergo a three-day training focused on the management of teaching and learning.