Today, you celebrate a momentous occasion—46 years of independence and self-determination under the theme, “Péyi Nou, Kado Nou” or “Our Country, Our Gift.” This theme resonates deeply, reminding you of the privilege and responsibility everyone holds in cherishing and shaping our beautiful island.
Dominica stands proudly today, rich in natural beauty, vibrant culture, and resilient people. Your lush landscapes, from the lush rainforests to the boiling lake, are gifts we treasure, but it’s the unity, strength, and spirit of your people that truly make this nation a blessing.
A heartfelt thank you to JCI Dominica for your unwavering dedication to nation-building. Since its founding, JCI Dominica has produced leaders who have tirelessly contributed to Dominica’s growth and prosperity. We remember and honor your founding fathers, Senator Stanley Fadelle and Senator Bernard Yankey, whose vision and dedication laid a strong foundation for impactful service and leadership.
As we celebrate Dominica, JCI Dominica stands with the mission to build a brighter future for all. With every project and every leader you cultivate, you embody the spirit of “Our Country, Our Gift,” paving the way for a stronger, more united Dominica.
To the people of Dominica, today is a celebration of your resilience, strength, and unity. Your commitment to preserving your heritage, uplifting your communities, and striving for excellence is what makes Dominica truly unique. Continue to work together, embracing “Péyi Nou, Kado Nou” as a call to cherish and protect your island for generations to come.
Happy Independence, Dominica!