Valid from: 6:00 AM on Thursday, June 11, 2020
Synopsis: Weak unstable conditions are affecting the area
Forecast for Today:
Partly cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers and a slight chance of isolated thunderstorms at first, becoming fair to partly cloudy and slightly hazy with isolated showers
Forecast for Tonight:
Increasingly cloudy and hazy with scattered showers and a chance of isolated thunderstorms
Wind: Easterly to South easterly @ 10 to 30 km/h
Sea Conditions: Slight to moderate in open water
Waves: 1.0 to 1.5 meters or 3.0 to 5.0 feet.
Sunrise: 5:34 AM
Sunset: 6:37 PM
Low Tide: 2:01 AM and 3:31 PM
High Tide: 8:01 AM and 9:50 PM
Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles
Valid from: 6:00 AM on Thursday, June 11, 2020
Weak instability is expected to generate increased cloudiness, a few scattered showers and a slight chance of isolated thunderstorms across the area during this morning with an improvement in conditions expected as the day progresses.
Meanwhile, a tropical wave with a low chance of development is expected to affect mainly the southern Windward from tonight, with shower activity, gusty winds and possible isolated thunderstorms spreading northward to Dominica during tonight into tomorrow.
Slight to moderate seas are expected during the next 24 hours with waves peaking near 5.0ft.