I am Shenel Jolly-Bethel from beautiful Dominica.
I am a teacher, a hobbyist, a worshiper; I enjoy writing and performing poetry, I love working with my students to accomplish goals…and I like celebrating my culture.
My fight with cancer began in 2015 when I was diagnosed with stage ii Invasive Ductal Carcinoma after years of struggling with hormonal ailments. I had just completed my studies and was looking forward to begin a new life where I dreamt of success and fulfillment, however I found myself having to embark on the biggest challenge of my life yet.
After diagnosis I had prompt treatment in the form of surgery followed by adjuvant therapy but had complications and could not continue chemotherapy.
In 2016 I was diagnosed with a macroadenoma tumor in my brain which was the culprit of the complication.
In 2017 I had a relapse of the cancer at stage iii. It was followed by yet another surgery, and this time around complete adjuvant therapy of…