The Dominica Fire and Ambulance Services on Friday held an award ceremony to recognize those officers who were on the frontline in the fight against COVID-19 from since March. About 25 officers were recognized for their bravery demonstrated from the time Dominica recorded its first case in March 2020 to the present.
Fire officer, Jervon Bonnie who was part of the COVID-19 response team said that at first he was fearful about being a part of the team but his fears diminished after a while and he would volunteer to go out and transport persons.
The ceremony was also the last parade of Station Officer Michael Warrington who is retiring after 29 years of service to the state.
Warrington who is from the community of Warner said that it was always his dream to become a fireman and wherever he was stationed, he got involved in the community. He said that the service has evolved over the years and he is confident that the service will continue to improve into the future.
Warrington said that he was truly happy to serve his country and that was the most enjoyable part of being a fireman- the opportunity to render service to communities.
Warrington’s wife was also recognized with a bouquet at the ceremony.