A Healthy Mind Multiplies the Dime
The Dominica Youth Business Trust proudly embarks on yet another initiative to support and empower youth and youth entrepreneurship – The DYBT Wellness Week, under the theme A Healthy Mind Multiplies the Dime. Youth entrepreneurship is widely viewed as a key pillar of a country’s economic development. However, the challenges, unpredictability and long hours devoted to running a business may sometimes result in entrepreneurs inadvertently putting their health on the back foot, or in worst cases, have their health negatively impacted. In that vein, the Trust saw fit to institute a number of activities geared towards not merely promoting health amongst young entrepreneurs but rather actively demonstrating the steps and decisions one must take in order to establish and uphold a healthy lifestyle.
This year, in an effort to bolster wellness amongst youth, we will initiate three main activities: “Power Hour Sessions,” Social Media Challenges and the grand conclusive event -A hike to the Boeri Lake. The Power Hour Sessions will take the form of virtual discussion forums with experienced health professionals in the lead to tackle critical issues surrounding health management. Focus will be placed on topics of diet and nutrition, lifestyle, and wellness, and managing stress. These will be followed by an online fitness challenge incorporating jump rope. For the final event, the DYBT team will host a major hiking aiming to foster networking and team building amongst entrepreneurs. These events will be open to the general public.
The Trust hopes that these tailormade events will stimulate the participants’ minds into creating new business strategies thereby generating new income streams; ultimately “multiplying the dime” for their businesses. DYBT hopes to make this an annual event as an extension of Caribbean Wellness Month.
We encourage the public to embrace this opportunity as we usher in a new era of health and wellness.
-Schedule Appended
DYBT Wellness Week of Activities
Monday 12th September 2022 Power Hour Session-Managing Stress 6:00pm – 7:00pm Mrs. Julia Charles Jules Tuesday 13th September Power Hour Session-Women’s Health 6:00pm – 7:00pm Ms. Trudy Christian Wednesday 14th September 2022 Power Hour Session-Diet & Nutrition 6:00pm -7:00pm Power Hour Session-Lifestyle & Wellness 7:00pm -8:00pm Mr. Danny Joseph Dr. Alisha Honore Thursday 15th September Power Hour Session-Men’s Health
6:00pm -7:00pm Dr. Andy St. Hilaire Friday 16th September 2022 Social Media Health Challenge Jump Rope Challenge Facebook Saturday 17th September 2022 Hike to Boeri Lake 9:00 am | Registration $30
Transportation from Roseau Bayfront + Water DYBT Team Danny Joseph
General Public